Elenia and sustainability 2020 report: Elenia promotes a functional and sustainable society
The importance of sustainability and responsibility is constantly growing in society. At Elenia, we make a strong contribution to this. Our vision is to be the most responsible reformer of energy services and markets and we have systematically worked towards this vision for a long time. We are guided by our clear objectives and putting them into practice every day in accordance with our sustainability programme.
“The aim of our sustainability programme is to ensure smooth daily life in digital society as well as strenghen our customers’ trust in us. The elements by which we build trust include our new customer promises, which we will develop and revise as necessary to better respond to the expectations of our customers. Our goals also include promoting the mitigation of climate change and ensuring the safety and well-being of our employees and partners”, says Elenia's CEO Tapani Liuhala.
The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of smooth daily life. Our digital and automated society is completely dependent on the reliable supply of electricity. That is why security of supply and building a weatherproof network are key priorities for us. Society does not function without electricity.

Smart and weatherproof electricity network services for the needs of digital daily life
The renewal of the electricity network to respond to the long-term needs of society is a tremendous two-decade effort in which we have invested more than EUR 1 billion over the past 10 years. In addition to adapting to the changing weather conditions, we promote the mitigation of climate change.
The production of weather-dependent wind and solar power influences the balance of the electricity system. The broader use of renewable energy requires a smart and strong electricity network.
“Our role is to develop an electricity network that enables power control, demand-side flexibility and energy storage. We are already in the process of developing and testing solutions and services in this area”, CEO Liuhala says.
Elenia´s systematic efforts to develop the sustainability have also been noted in international comparisons. Elenia received a full five stars for the third consecutive year in the GRESB, Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark, assessment for the infrastructure sector.
“We have a long-term commitment to solving big challenges. We will together achieve change through practical actions described in this sustainability report”, CEO Liuhala sees the future.