Select the most suitable network service product
The price of electricity consists of three parts: the electricity network service fee, the price of the electric energy and tax. Each part makes up roughly a third of the total price. The allocations may slightly vary depending on the place where the electricity is consumed and the consumption. As an electricity network company, Elenia charges electricity tax and VAT and remits them to the state. The sales companies do not charge electricity tax.
The place where the electricity is used is the deciding factor with regard to the network company supplying electricity to the site. You cannot change network companies, i.e. you cannot shop around for the lowest network service rate. Because customers cannot shop around for network services, the Energy Authority supervises the network service prices to make sure that they are fair.
Select the network service product best suited to your home. Our customer service representatives will be happy to help with selecting the right product.
We use the contract terms recommended by Finnish Energy Industries.
Electricity tax
Electricity tax includes the electricity excise duty and the security-of-supply charge and it is based on the Act on Excise Duty on Electricity and Certain Fuels (1260/96). As an electricity network company, Elenia charges the electricity tax on the electricity transmission invoice and remits it to the state. Households belong in tax category 1.