You need an electricity connection to get power for your property or construction site.
As an electricity network company, Elenia manages the electricity connections and network services in its network area. Our network area covers Häme, Pirkanmaa, Central Finland as well as the Southern and Northern Ostrobothnia regions.
The five steps of getting an electricity connection
Select an electrical designer and contractor
Once you have sorted out your building permit, select an electrical designer to draw up your electrical plans and an electrical contractor to carry out the electrical work. Select the designer and contractor as early as possible.
The electrical designer will determine the required power and the required main fuse capacity of your property. The required power depends on factors such as the heating system used in the property.
The electrical contractor will carry out the electrical work and installations on the plot and in the house andand will also draw up the electrification schedule. The contractor must be certified by the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency.
You can find electrical contractors certified by the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency, for example, at (in Finnish)
Check the price, request a quote and place an order
With the connection price calculator, (calculator available in Finnish) you can easily find out the price and delivery time of most new electricity connections. The price calculator also enables you to request a quote for a connection or make a telephone appointment with our customer service representative.
For a quote or offer, you will need the following information for the connection
- exact location
- the plot registration details
- the main fuse capacity
- the electrification schedule
The price and delivery time of the electricity connection are affected by factors such as the location of the construction site as well as the main fuse capacity or connection capacity.
The connection delivery schedule will be confirmed in connection with signing the connection contract. Connections are priced on a zonal basis depending on location. You will receive a quote for +500 A connections outside the zones or in zones 1–3 as well as +100 A connections in zone 4 within 10 working days from requesting a quote.
If further information is required for the site, we will contact you to agree on a schedule for the quote. We will follow the same procedure with regard to quotes on high-voltage connections.
More information about connection prices and delivery times
Building a connection
Elenia’s contractor will be responsible for planning and building the connection up to the connection point. In most cases, the connection point is the boundary of the plot. You can agree on the exact connection point with our terrain planner. Elenia’s contractor will acquire the necessary permits and order the required materials.
The electrical contractor of your choice will carry out electrical work from the connection point onwards. The electrical contractor’s responsibilities:
- Acquire a metering panel
- Install the connection cable from the connection point to the metering panel
- Make sure that the installations are compliant with the regulations
- Ensure basic grounding, protection of the connection cable and overvoltage protection
Sign an electricity contract
Elenia is responsible for the electricity network and transmission of electricity in your area but does not sell or produce electricity. You are free to shop around for an electricity supplier.
Sign an electricity supply contract with the supplier of your choice at least two weeks prior to the installation of your meter. The supplier will notify us of the contract. We will send you a network service contract drawn up on the basis of the supply contract.
For more information about electricity suppliers, go to (in Finnish)
Installing the meter and connecting electricity
Your electrical contractor will order the meter installation and the connection of electricity at least one week before electricity is needed. The metering panel and connecting cable must be installed, the trench must be covered and the cable must be connected to the metering panel. You can order the required number of measurements for your connection. The electrical contractor will perform the commissioning inspection of the electrical installations and leave the report at the site.
Elenia’s contractor will install the meter and connect the connection to the network on the agreed date. Having installed the meter, our electrician will leave the main switch or main fuse disconnected.
Delivery times of electricity connections
Get your electricity connection well in advance of the construction stage. The electricity connection delivery time depends on the construction of the electricity network and the acquisition of the required permits. You should be ready for a delivery period of 1–3 months. In some cases, the delivery period may be longer.

Responsibilities regarding the acquisition of an electricity connection
Customer’s responsibilities
- Select an electrical designer and contractor
- Request a quote and order a connection
- Sign an electricity supply contract with the supplier of your choice
Customer’s electrical contractor’s responsibilities
- Acquire a connection cable and metering panel and perform the installation work from the agreed connection point onwards
- Place an order for a meter installation and switching on of power from Elenia
Elenia’s and its contractor’s responsibilities
- Design and build the connection up to the connection point
- Install the meter and connect the connection to the electricity network
Order an electricity connection easily online
Once you know the main fuse capacity of the electricity connection, the plot details and the date by which power is required, you can order a connection directly via the service on our website. The service is available in Finnish.